Stay True to Yourself 

so you can stay true to your horse.


At Unbridled we know that liberation begins when you disentangle yourself from the storylines others would have you believe– about horses, about yourself, and about our shared planet.


It's a journey that begins and ends with your relationship to boundaries. 

Learn More!

We're here to help you find your footing. To provide guidance and support every step of the way. And to make sure you don't give up before you learn to put your values into practice. 


We're passionate about helping horse lovers like you learn to stay true to your values so you can: 

  • Experience more peace and clarity in your life - with horses and beyond.
  • Feel seen and heard, without all the fear around judgement.
  • Have more confidence discerning, and embracing, what's right for you (and your horse).
  • Feel less alone and more connected with like-hearted colleagues and peers.

Imagine looking out over the treacherous terrain of your life (including the horse industry) and saying, unequivocally: 




Wouldn't that feel awesome?

It's possible.

Because starting today, we've got YOU. 

Imagine having a trusted ally in your corner, one who never tries to dictate your path but rather serves as a beacon, guiding you toward the essential tools necessary to craft your own amazing narrative. Trust and authenticity will be the cornerstones of our partnership, ensuring a supportive environment where autonomy is revered, and guidance is tendered with grace. It's time to find your way to your own power so you can confidently advocate for your horse and yourself in all situations - with love and empathy.

Learn More About Working with Kim

Client Testimonial:

How boundary work with Kim helped me find peace in my life with my horse

I began my online journey with Kim in 2021, at a time when I was desperate to find emotional comfort and safety, but also clarity around how to address issues I was facing with my beloved gelding, Quinn. 

When I found Kim, I had recently experienced a frightening incident while riding Quinn that left me scared, confused and somewhat heartbroken. I was utterly confused about if and how I wanted to ride him again, and what to make of our relationship if riding was not meant to be a part of our process going forward. 

I desperately wanted to do what was “right” by my beloved companion, as he deserved that.

I was painfully conflicted between what my instincts were screaming at me and what trusted barn friends and other horse “experts” were telling (and sometimes screaming at) me. The messages were very, very mixed. 

With the help of Kim’s loving, safe, and non-judgmental support (and I have a very high bar for deeming someone emotionally safe), combined with her profound wisdom, experience, and instinctive “knowing” about horses and their true nature, I can now say that I am at complete peace in my relationship with Quinn. I’m also at peace in my relationships with other horse people, even when we have differing opinions. 

Today I feel confident and secure in knowing that I am competent to make decisions around my horse's care and well-being: emotional, social, and physical. I can easily determine what is in HIS best interest, even when my choices are not always the most “common” or traditional approaches. 

It’s not always easy for me to follow my own heart, but Kim has helped me to learn to trust my own truth and inner knowing. This newfound confidence has also generalized to healthier boundaries with family and friends and I can honestly say this work has led to an overall more peaceful existence for me AND Quinn!

- Maria in Pennsylvania